Chapter 158: "An Amazing Period of Time" read by Jason Stinson of Overcome
Chapter 158: "An Amazing Period of Time" read by Jason Stinson of Overcome
When Jason Stinson heard the phrase "Spirit Filled Hard Core" he knew that was the scene he belonged in. Jason talks about the mission of Overcome and how it guided them through tough decisions, the vocal condition that led to the band ending, his mixed feelings about the "reunion" and how he got involved in country music.
Overcome's Facebook Page:
Some Dark Hollow:
Chapter 158 Music:
Overcome - "Sacrificed"
Overcome - "Understanding"
Overcome - "House of Cards"
Indwelling - "Throats As Open Graves"
Overcome - "Campaign of Sabotage"
Some Dark Hollow - "Far Away"
As The Story Grows links: