As The Story Grows

Eric Collins of MrENC, formerly of Denison Marrs

Episode Summary

Chapter 199 - "Adventure Always Comes At Me" read by Eric Collins of MrENC

Episode Notes

Chapter 199 - "Adventure Always Comes At Me" read by Eric Collins of MrENC

Eric Collins is probably best known as the frontman of Denison Marrs. Eric walks us through his discography. From signing to 6x6 and touring with Stavesacre and Puller, which led to the band joining Velvet Blue Music, the transition to Floodgate over Tooth and Nail, The Dark Romantics, and his solo work, MrENC. 

You can listen to MrENC at

Follow and stay up to date with what Eric is working on -

Chapter 199 Music:

Denison Marrs - "The New Droan"

Denison Marrs - "Oxygen"

Denison Marrs - "What Life Has"

Denison Marrs - "Burn Bright"

The Party People - "We Can Have It All"

The Dark Romantics - "Another Song For Another Night"

MrENC - "It's Just A Matter of Time"

MrENC - "On and On and On"


As The Story Grows links: