As The Story Grows

Erik Mendez of Tourniquet (Part One)

Episode Summary

Chapter 67: "Calling All Teds" read by Erik Mendez (formerly of Tourniquet)

Episode Notes

Chapter 67: "Calling All Teds" read by Erik Mendez (formerly of Tourniquet)

Erik Mendez.
Erik friggin' Mendez.
My lovely scattered few listeners...I'm not exaggerating when I tell you this is the least amount of control I have had during a discussion. Erik had so many entertaining things to say that I had to pull a double. We discuss everything from the demise of the quinessential Tourniquet line-up to taking fish antibiotics. We get acid dropping stories, almost fist-fighting in a bathroom in Germany, gun control, politics, playing guitar in the Philippines drunk as a twelve-year-old. Just enjoy a very rare appearance of the ever-elusive Erik Mendez. The only thing more amazing than his crazy guitar solos is what could possibly come out of his mouth next.

Chapter 67 Notes:

Eriks' FB page:

Chapter 67 Music:

As The Story Grows links: